Maker Faire Silver Spring-Exploring Speech, Language and MAKING...
Taking advantage of one of the last summer weekends, thousands of "Makers" of all ages flocked to the annual Silver Spring Makers Faire. A bunch of Speech Explorers were there too, not only to indulge their curiosity and creativity, but to explore and improve thier communication skills. Sequencing, following directions, and using great speech sounds all shined while S.E. Kids made flying machines and built robots.
One key skill area that was especially on display at this year's Faire was
Social Communication. Quoting,, 'Makers rarely work in isolation. Social context supports making, and we are inspired by the people, projects, materials, and tools around us while we work. All Makers... turn to peers for ideas, advice, guidance, support and collaboration….and if they need none of those, then the community offers them a hearty congratulations!"
Whether it's greeting a fellow Maker, finding an interest in common, or simply complementing him/her on something he made or said, these are small steps in building social language that then lead to larger successes in navigating our social world.
See you at next year's Faire!
See you next year at MFSS with