Talking is a form of Expressive Language that involves using verbal language to communicate meaningfully. We use talking/expressive language to formulate or answer questions, retell a story, or recount a personal experience. We also use this skill to problem solve, and to work well with others.
Our Speech Exploration Guides will help kids go out in the community and build upon their ability to:
Sequence stories
Use appropriate grammar
Use new vocabulary words
Use descriptive language

Listening/Understanding is a component of Receptive Language, which entails the understanding of language input. This skill goes beyond just comprehending meaning of words. It also has to do with the ability to interpret a question as a question, the understanding of basic concepts like prepositions, and accurately interpreting complex grammatical forms.
Our Speech Exploration Guides will help kids go out in the community and build upon their ability to:
Follow simple and multi-step directions
Listen to/comprehend different types of questions
Categorize and understand relationships between items


Word play encompases the sound awareness (phonemics), and sound production (articulation) components of verbal communication. We use coordinated muscle movements to pronounce particular sounds that make up syllables and words. Speaking smoothly and fluently is another aspect of speech (stuttering is a lack of fluency). The way we use our voice (voice box/larynx) is also a compenent of speech.
Our Exploration Guides will help kids go out in the community and work on:
Articulation skills for different spech sounds
Oral motor strength and range of movement
Proper vocal use, not abuse
Hearing particular sounds in words
Rhyming, letter identification, reading
Social Language, also known as Social Pragmatic Language, refers to the social language skills we use in our daily interactions with others. They include what we say, how we say it, our body language and whether it is appropriate to the given situation. Pragmatic skills are vital for communicating our personal thoughts, ideas and feelings. Children, adolescents and adults with poor pragmatic skills often misinterpret others' communicative intents and have difficulty responding appropriately either verbally or non-verbally.
Our Exploration Guides will help kids go out in the community and build:
Conversational Skills
Perspective Taking Skills
Non-Verbal Language interpretation/expression skills