Labor Day Celebrations
Monday, September 7th in towns throughought the region, including:
Greenbelt, MD ~ Kensington, MD ~ Herndon, VA
The DC/MD/VA area is rife with parades and carnivals in celebration of Labor Day. So, pick your local Labor Day festival and enjoy a day of holiday fun as you help your child strengthen his/her language skills!
EXPLORE: Describing
ENRICH: Sensory Descriptors
ENGAGE: The ability to describe a food item
Labor Day festivals often have a wide array of food, often from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Challenge your child to try a food he/she has never tasted before and use his/her senses to describe the experience.
After your child tastes the new food, have him/her describe the food using the following senses. Remind him/her to use complete sentences:
How does it look? (e.g. size, shape, color)
How does it feel? (e.g. texture, hardness)
How does it taste? (e.g. salty, sweet, bitter, sour, spicy)
*Bonus: After your child is done describing the food, ask him/her to state his/her opinion of the new food in a sentence and give a reason for that opinion (e.g. "I liked the mango because it was sweet and juicy.")
EXPLORE: Following Directions
ENRICH: Understanding Multi-Step Oral Directions
ENGAGE: The ability to follow directions to play a game
It is an ideal situation to practice following directions with your child when he/she is motivated to do something fun. A Labor Day festival can present the perfect opportunity for your child to work on following directions in order to play a fun carnival game.
Have your child choose a game that he/she wants to play. Ask the perosn in charge of the game to explain the directions (if it is an un-attended game, give the directions to your child yourself). Then, ask your child to do the following:
Restate the directions in complete sentences
Use sequencing words such as first, next, then, and last
Follow the directions to play the game
If your child forgets a direction, give him/her a verbal cue such as, "You threw the first beanbag and didn't make it in the hole. What do you have to do next?"
EXPLORE: Articulation
ENRICH: Pronunciation of Speech Sounds in Sentences
ENGAGE: The ability to produce the /p/ sound
The /p/ sound is one of the earliest-developing sounds and it is also a very common sound in the English language. Being able to make a clear, strong /p/ sound helps children to be better understood by others.
Have your child practice /p/ while watching a Labor Day Parade! See if he/she can find 10 objects or actions in the parade that have the /p/ sound in them (e.g. PuPPy, jumPing, caP). Then, ask him/her to use each word in a sentence. Remind him/her to:
Make a strong /p/ sound by closing his/her lips and releasing them with a puff of air
Use a complete sentence
Speak slowly and clearly
EXPLORE: Conversations With Peers
ENRICH: Social Use of Language
ENGAGE: The ability to initiate a conversation
In order to make new friends, children need to be able to initiate a conversation with someone they don't know. A Labor Day festival is a great place to practice this skill because there are so many exciting topics to talk about.
Challenge your child to introduce themselves to another child at the festival and to start a conversation. Before your child approaches someone, help them brainstorm ideas for festival-related topics to talk about, such as an interesting performance in the parade or a favorite carnival activity.
Start with a greeting (e.g. "Hello")
Introduce him/herself (e.g. "My name is ___")
Make a comment or ask a question (e.g. "What was your favorite part of the parade?"