Montgomery Parks

Practice speech and language skills while spending quality time outside at
EXPLORE: Sensory Adjectives
ENRICH: Expressive Vocabulary
ENGAGE: Using the sense of touch to describe
While getting your hands during the volunteer planting activity, talk with your child about using his/her sense of touch to describe what things feel like, such as temperature words, texture words, and descriptors of the level of softness. Have your child use touch to describe:
The dirt (e.g. wet, squishy)
The shovel (e.g. hard, cold)
The leaves of the plant (e.g. soft, smooth)

EXPLORE: Listening to stories
ENRICH: Audiory Comprehension, WH Questions
ENGAGE: The ability to listen to a story and answer questions
Have your child listen to "The Lorax" story reading at Brokside Gardens
Ask, "What was the land of the Lorax like before the Once-ler arrived? Did it seem like someplace you'd like to live? What parts of your own environment would you be sad to see go?
Why does the Lorax speak for the trees? Why is it important to speak up for others? Have you ever spoken up for someone else? Has someone else ever spoken up for you?
EXPLORE: Multisyllabic Words
ENRICH: Phonological Speech Skills
ENGAGE: The ability to produce 3-, 4-, and 5-syllable words
Pronunciation of all of the syllables of multisyllabic words is an important key to speaking clearly and being easily understood. You can easily work on this skill with your child at the Monarch Butterfly Activity with the many butterfly-related words containing 3, 4, and 5 syllables: bu-tter-fly, chry-sa-lis, ca-ter-pill-ar, me-ta-morph-o-sis, etc. As you come across these multisyllabic words, ask your child to do the following tasks:
Count the syllables in the word
Say the word slowly, clapping his/her hands as he/she says each syllable
Use the word in a short sentence, making sure to say all syllables
EXPLORE: Conversation Initiation
ENRICH: Pragmatic Language
ENGAGE: The ability to start a conversation with a Peer
at the DRUM for JOY event, you can have your child work ask a peer questions, using a script.
"Hi, I'm ________. Do you like drumming? I do
"Do you have a favorite insturment?" Mine is the _______
Remind your child to:
Initiate the conversation politely
Use a complete sentence
Maintain good eye contact